The Importance of KIREI can be understood through Real Life

Tokyo and Hà Nội
I’m currently in Hà Nội, Vietnam.
Hà Nội is the capital of Vietnam, a country in Southeast Asia. This city, located in the north of Vietnam, has a population of over 8 million people.
I lived in Tokyo for about seven years before coming here.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan and has a population of over 13 million people.
Tokyo is one of the world’s most populous cities in terms of population, and since it’s not a very large area, it also has a fairly high population density.
Since I was in Tokyo, I didn’t think I would be too worried about the number of people coming to Hanoi. However, the reality was different.
Hà Nội — Country: Vietnam / Population: Over 8 million / Area: 3,360km²
Tokyo — Country: Japan / Population: Over 13 million / Area: 2,194km²
There are always people in Hà Nội
The first thing I thought when I came to Hà Nội was that there were people everywhere.
When you walk around town, there’s always someone somewhere. Walking down the road, there are always people selling meat on sheets on the ground, people sitting on chairs near the doors of liberated houses, people playing soccer on the sidewalk, and so on. .
However, although there are certainly many people in Tokyo, there are many places where you don’t see any people.
Hà Nội is always noisy.
There is always noise in Hà Nội.
You can always hear sounds in various places, such as the crowing of chickens early in the morning, the sound of motorbike horns, and the voices of street vendors pushing banh mi carts with their hands.
Tokyo, on the other hand, is certainly a noisy place, but cars don’t often honk their horns, and you don’t see many vendors on the streets anymore.

The sky in Hà Nội is always cloudy.
The first time I came to Hà Nội was in October.
It was still hot at this time, so I felt like I was in a tropical country, and when I looked at the sky, it was a little cloudy, but depending on the day, I could barely see the sun.
However, from the beginning of November, that is, in winter, the sky is cloudy every day, and no matter how sunny it is, the sun cannot be seen.
Also, on rainy days, it rains lightly every time for some reason, and I feel like something is blocking the rain from falling from the clouds.
I can’t say that the air in Tokyo is good either, but if it’s clear you can see the sun, and there are many places where you can see the stars at night.
Difference between the two cities
If you look at the number of people, land area, and population density, you can imagine that Tokyo is worse environmentally.
However, the reality is different.
There are some things that cannot be measured by numbers alone.
Why is there such a difference?
I think this is related to the following factors.
●Number of subways
●Quality and number of public transportation
●Awareness of cleanliness
If you live in an environment where the sky is always cloudy, you won’t be interested in trash on the ground. If the bus was 30 minutes late every time, I would not want to use the bus anymore. If everyone lived a self-centered life, there would be no sense of sharing with others.
There is a big difference between what can be seen in numbers and how people actually live their lives.
Hà Nội is currently a popular tourist destination and is visited by many foreigners from all over Europe. Not only are there many historical buildings, but you can also feel the history of the buildings you find as you walk around town.
Hà Nội, which has so many good qualities, must tackle environmental issues more than ever in order to shape the future of Hà Nội.

Effects of the sun on humans
BBC idea includes the following videos:
In the developed world, we spend 90% of our time indoors, and yet, the Sun is still a powerful force underpinning our lives.
The Sun affects our perception of beauty.
When people talk of the “golden hour” — that time just before the Sun sets — it’s a real thing. The Sun isn’t actually yellow or orange or even red.
It’s all the colors mixed together.
When the Sun rises or sets in the sky, the shortwave colors — green, blue, and violet — are scattered, leaving only the yellow and the red part of the spectrum, giving that amazing glow.
When the Sun is high in the sky, its blue waves bounce around, which is why the sky looks blue.
And when you see a rainbow, that’s the light from the Sun separated into all its magnificent colors.
When sunlight enters the eye, it sends signals to a master clock in our brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
This internal clock regulates everything from when we sleep to how we digest a meal. Messing with this finely-tuned machine, when we work night shifts or fly across the world, can make us feel pretty rough.
Even the bluish light from a mobile phone late at night is enough to disrupt and confuse our internal body clock. Being out of step with the Sun affects our mood and our ability to think clearly.
And there’s evidence that this kind of disruption can lead to higher rates of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
We’re living out of step with the Sun, and some scientists say this could be causing a public health crisis.
When the Sun’s shining, studies have shown that we tip more generously and are more likely to splash out on luxury goods.
And crime may go down, too.
One study in the US found that when the clocks go forward for Daylight Savings Time, the number of robberies, rapes, and murders went down around 50%.
The Sun is a hell of a force to be reckoned with.
Quote: Why the Sun is incredible | BBC Ideas
The fact that when the sun is shining, crime decreases and people buy luxury goods more often means that brightness has a huge impact on people’s psychology.
In Hà Nội, where I am now, the sky will no longer be cloudy and the sun will come out, which I think will have a positive effect on the hearts of the people living in Hà Nội.
Coexistence with KIREI
As I wrote in another article, refraction of light is involved in why things appear to glow.
And this refraction of light is at the root of the superficial KIREI. A bright world is a KIREI world, which also means a healthy world.
Incorporating and coexisting with KIREI in the town you live in and the house you live in will have a positive impact on you.